Phone System Change for Axiom Psychology

Phone System Change for Axiom Psychology

Project overview

The old copper internal phone system supplied by one of the big four telcos was expensive, had service issues, and poor support.

Axiom Psychology
Oct 2023
VOIP Phone System
VoipLine and Yealink


Nexlo installed 5 Yealink SIP-T42S desktop phones in Axiom Psychology's main East Gosford Office and 1 at their Kanwal Office. All phones connect back and register to an always-up cloud PBX (server for phones).The new system allows flexible billing management, better service and superior customizability over their old phone system.

Project results

After the new system was installed and the old service cancelled Axiom begun to save a whopping 70% on their monthly bill. Nexlo now provides their usual 24/7 support for any phone-related issues and the clients are happy with the new system.

Nexlo Tip

When converting an old phone system to an internet-based phone system issues may arise. One issue experienced was their current fax system. Fax does not work easily over the NBN or VOIP so Nexlo decided to opt in for an email-to-fax service. This allows anyone within the organisation to send and receive faxes simply from their email client for example Outlook. Before the change, only the East Gosford office had access to the fax machine.

Phone System Change for Axiom Psychology

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